Pacific Northwest

Tree Octopus


Frequently Asked Questions

"Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus" or "Pacific Northwestern Tree Octopus"?

"Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus" is the correct popular name for Octopus paxarbolis. "Pacific Northwestern Tree Octopus" is erroneous, much like using "Canadian Geese" instead of "Canada Geese".

"Octopuses" or "octopi"?

Both "octopuses" and "octopi" are considered acceptable plural forms of "octopus". However, "octopi" has become accepted only because of its prevalent usage. It is technically incorrect. "Octopodes" may be technically correct, but is little used or accepted. See here for a more technical explanation, or watch this video:

To avoid the never-ending linguistic battles between the dogmatic prescriptivists and the chaotic-neutral descriptivists, we use the least controversial form of "octopuses" here (except for the site URL which plays off of "octopi").

What is the Tree Octopus called in other languages?
  • Chinese: 樹章魚 (traditional) or 树章鱼 (simplified) ("Shù Zhāng Yú")
  • Chuukese: Nicharongorong ¹
  • Dutch: Boomoctopus
  • Esperanto: Arbapolpo
  • French: Pieuvre Arboricole or Poulpe d'Arbre
  • German: Baumkrake
  • Greek: Δενδροχταποδο ("Dhendhrohtapodo")
  • Italian: Il Polipo dell'Albero
  • Japanese: ツリー・オクトパス ("Tsurii Okutopasu") or 木のタコ ("Ki no Tako") ²
  • Korean: 나무 낙지 ("Namu Nagji")
  • Polish: Ośmiornica Drzewna
  • Portugese: Polvo Arbóreo
  • Russian: Древесный Осьминог ("Drevesnyĭ Osʹminog")
  • Sasquatch: ĦAĀOŌʕ!AĀʕ!UŪʕ! ³
  • Spanish: Pulpo Arborícola
  • Swedish: Trädbläckfisk
  • Yeti: S̫z̫ś̫s͡ɸs̫|s̫z͡βź̫ ⁴
  1. This is used by the Chuuk of Micronesia to refer to a mangrove tree octopus. See Tree Octopuses of Micronesia for more information.
  2. The katakana-transliterated English name is used exclusively for the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus whereas 木のタコ may be used for tree octopuses in general. 木登りタコ ("tree-climbing octopus") or similarly descriptive terms are also sometimes used.
  3. Sasquatch use subpharyngeal ultrafricatives (Ħ and ʕ!), which if done correctly would shred a human's larynx, however they will appreciate your attempt using human-range pharyngeal fricatives (ħ and ʕ).
  4. Don't try this one as humans are apt to get the tonal whistling wrong and mistakenly say something very offensive in Migoi dialect.
Aren't rainforests only found in the tropics?

Tropical rainforests are only found in the tropics, hence the qualifier before the name. However, rainforests in general can be found wherever there are both forests and sufficient rain. That is why they are called rainforests. The technical definition of a rainforest is a forest that normally gets no less than 1750-2000 mm (68-78 inches) of rain a year. In Cascadia, our rainforests are called temperate rainforests, since we are in the temperate region.

Why are Sasquatch allowed to gather Tree Octopuses if the octopuses are endangered?

No one allows a Sasquatch to do anything; they just do it.

Sasquatch have been gathering Tree Octopuses since before Humans settled in their habitats. They form a symbiotic relationship. We value our limbs and don't question this.

What percentage of profit from Tree Octopus products sold on this site goes to support protecting the species?


Tree Octopuses don't need your money. They need your love and willingness to write angry letters to the editor demanding action.

If you must give money to ease your conscience, donations to help the Tree Octopus should be given directly to the Tree Octopuses. Here is how to donate: Travel to the Olympic Peninsula (if you are a minor, ask your parents first). Stand in the Tree Octopuses' forest near a tree and hold out a dollar bill. If you stand still enough, eventually a Tree Octopus will come by on a branch, reach out, and take the bill with her suckers. She will continue to return for more bills as long as you hold them out, so bring lots of singles. She will use them to line her den in the trees, as the bills will soak up rain water and keep her skin moist. Given the current value of the dollar, this is the most cost effective way to help.

Please note: don't give them coins. While they are attracted to shiny objects and will gladly take coins, the toxic metals in coins (especially copper) can easily absorb into their skin and poison them. Paper money, checks, stock certificates, coupons, etc. are preferable and make better nesting material.

This site is not associated with any school or educational organization,
other than the Kelvinic University branch of the Wild Haggis Conservation Society.