*CSET 160.6*: Keep on Railsin' How to use these slides: * <kbd>P</kbd> toggle presenter notes * <kbd>?</kbd> help menu * <kbd>→</kbd> next slide Also, [here's the source](https://github.com/chadoh/cset160) --- CSET 160.6 # Keep on Railsin' --- attendance # the app you're going to build --- review of scaffolding --- the app you were [supposed to build](https://entirelife.typeform.com/to/Ht9g0H) --- deploying to Heroku --- simple contact form! -- Maybe? -- with both Rails and Cuba? -- Deployed to Heroku? --- `has_many` and `belongs_to` --- Lab # Build it Start working on your project Stuck? Keep working on [last lesson's lab](/sessions/3/#31)