Course outline:
- Introduction to course, web languages, and Ruby
- Ruby + Cuba + Sequel
- Rails Intro
- More Rails
- Rails (snow day)
- Rails
- Rails
- Rails
- Rails
- Rails
- Rails
- Rails
- Rails
- Rails Conclusion: Turn in project (see rubric), take test
- Hello, Elixir
- Elixir
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Elixir + Phoenix
- Test #2: Elixir + Phoenix
- Overview of other web languages
- Application of other web languages
- More other web languages
- Final Exam
Project Rubric
For the Ruby portion and the Elixir portion of the class, you are required to build a project in Rails and Phoenix, respectively. These projects are graded. Here's what I'll be looking for:
- code style: two-space soft tabs, snake_case, and everything else on the Airbnb Ruby Style Guide
- functioning app deployed to Heroku
- project code open source on GitHub
- secure authentication
- data relationships: at least one many-to-many, and preferably at least one one-to-many
- at least one image-upload (or other file-upload)
- Elixir only: continuous integration with Travis CI
- Elixir only: test coverage reporting with